Would you entrust your warehouse to an app?
IDEA stems from the experience gained in years of collaboration with our partners and realization of industry projects, from our desire to innovate and from a continous will to move towards new technologies. All aspects that, once combined, play a decisive role in our mission: to establish an innovation path that can bring technology at the service of the processes, to improve them and to create new value.

In this new article of our, we have the pleasure to present a showcase extremely significative, one of the important steps undertaken by our partners inside a strategic process that takes advantage of all the resources available in the external world, supported by the most recent technologies. Being a part of this process, through our products and services, makes us remarkably proud.
First of all, our partner...

ATK® is today worldwide leader in the manufacture of low weight bindings for mountaineering, acclaimed by North and South America as well as Japan for the quality and performance of their innovative products for races, touring and freetouring. ATK® stems from a reality strongely binded to technology, in the very heart of the popular Motor Valley of the Emilia Romagna region, where innovation and mechanical products are daily designed, implemented and exported worledwide. Within two years, ATK® managed to conquer, together with the gratest of the champions, all the ski mountaineering competitions, being recognized as the best of the planet thanks to one of its most popular bindings. A continuous research and a strong will towards state-of-the-art techniques allow to continuosly develop new models, drammaticaly lowering the weight of the materials, ensuring at the same time top performances and high reliability.

The rapid development of the company in the last years was only possible thanks to an optimization of the processes, the digitalization of the entire document flow and the growth of the sales network. Inside this vibrant enterprise scenario, our project aims to optimize the operative management of the warehouse, focusing on the preparation of the product orders that, leaving ATK's locations, are delivered to partners and shops in 25 countries worldwide.
The intention is to support the workers through a smart and intuitive solution (integrated with the already used system) to ensure a speed-up, more control and efficiency in the daily operations of the logistic department that, during the critical period manages the shippment of more than 1000 codes, organized under 120 different types. A new infrastructure able to revolutionize time-consuming practices in the logistic workflow... but how? By centralizing the control logics, often redundant and inefficient, offering new ways to schedule the activities of the working team, constantly synchronized with the other departments of the back office.
The design and the killer features
Performances and availability, A scalable infrastructure and computational on-demand power, to support featuers and complex logics. Service availabiity ensured by the typical Cloud Service Level Agreements, to be always up&running.
User Experience (UX), The user experience was designed to offer a quick access and functioning during the shipment phases: smart searches, barcode scanning and summary dashboards on the orders status.
Team and control, A new concept of team as a way to reach hight standards for processes, through the sharing of information between all the departments and their players: a shipment planning based on the occupied resources with a punctual situation of the warehouses availability.
Usability and hardware, Multiplatform usability, guranteeed through an optimized rendering on most of the recent smartphones, tablets ad computers (iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, etc.), ensuring control from any location, even remotely. PowerUp when using Touch Computer devices with 1D e 2D integrated scanners. The app allows to use all the possibilities of a fast scan reader, coupled with the support for the DataWedge technology to set rules and formats of reading, all synchronized via Google Mobile Services (GMS).
Integration and synchronization, Secured and certified back-end SaaS services, offered through an API that can be used to link any ERP software, to benefit the whole company. A couple of examples? In a few clicks the back-office can transfer in the hands of the warehousemen the updated situation of the stocks, it can share the newly acquired orders of delivery and it can have back the scanned data in an automatic process that generates documents and reports of the whole logistic process.
Curious about the results we obtained?
Show me the numbers, and not only...
A 30% save of the shipment time and an increment of 75% of the shipped codes, compared with the previous season.*
Not only numbers: the logistic managers of ATK® report a general improvement of the working conditions, a simplified management of the work and a better control on the documents generated. Mario played a central role inside the major internal processes and it's the perfect fundament to develop a new departement, favoring the introduction of new human resources that could use the user-friendly and innovative platform at it's best, leading to a more and more efficient team.

Agile development and continuous improvement
Loyals as always towards our Agile methodologies, the development has never stopped and the app is costantly updating with new functionalities and improving, deliverable after deliverable.
Stay connected, new showcases are coming. Contact us and we will enlighten you!